Thursday, July 22, 2010

As a Child...

I never really thought about it, but life went by so fast. Hah, I say it like I'm so old, but 18 years is pretty old now. I hear from others, all the time, saying things like, "you should really just enjoy your childhood because it will like a blink of an eye before you know it." (hahaha... I guess I never really understood that term.) I laugh now whenever I look back at the years; it almosts seems like I have done nothing at all. Gosh, it's sort of like watching the trees grow, when you are in that moment, everything seems so slow, but when you really step back and look at the trees, it has really grown. And even though it was only a couple of inches you start to notice the change.

Talking about all this younger years topic brings me up to a point. I remember as I child and even as a teen, everthing seemed so dramatic. A little crush on a guy was such a big deal. A little arugment turn my smile upside down. A little problem seemed so big. I felt like I was already in the Ocean, when in reality, I was only swimming in the pound. Every little thing would make me cry, and I would run searching for shelter.

Now I look back, and what a difference. Everything I did seemed so childish that I kind of miss it. I'm not babyed anymore. I won't get it my way anymore. Life will not seem so carefree anymore. Haha, it almost seems like your true freedom is all gone. I miss it, but I would not trade it for where I am at right now. Everyday I am getting closer the the Kingdom of Heaven, and there, I will be free.

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